Sunday, 15 January 2012

The Bro-Code

If anyone has seen how I met your mother you will know that they CONSTANTLY refer to the Bro-Code. Some mythical book handed down from man to man. This book gives guidelines on how to act and things that you as a friend shouldn't do.

Now I've not seen a copy of this book and if they ever produce one I will be wanting a look at it, but I seem to have a bit of a mental code. I'm writing this down because I'd like I know if it's just me that thinks these rules stand true.

Thou shalt not cock block. If your friend has expressed interest in someone you DO NOT go and beat them to the starting line. Possible exceptions are (very) drunken mistakes, however going out clubbing having an orgy then boasting about it is a violation.

Thou shalt not covet thy friends ex. If your friend breaks up with someone you do NOT go about picking up sloppy seconds. The only possible mitigating factor is if you think you can make a go for it with the newly single ex and have checked with your friend to see if he's ok with you going out with them. If your friend is still in love with his ex, or just says drop it

Enemies and exes of thy friends are my enemy and ex. If you break up with someone, and can't stand to be in the same room with them, or if someone loves to run you down when your name comes up (quite possibly exes will fall in this category) then your friends should avoid these people at all costs. Mitigating factors are if they were friends with both of you before you split up (for instance). In this case both parties should not be invited to the same events, length of friendship being a weighting in the decision.

This is how I treat others, so this is how I expect to be treated.

But what happens if someone has broken the first 3 of the 10 commandments (yeah this train ride isn't long enough to come up with 10). Then what do you do? Seems to be like a breach of trust or honour... Shit something like that...or is that just me?

1 comment:

  1. Nope. Not just you. It happens more than it should. People are ultimately assholes.
